Cheatham Annex is a Naval Base, located near Williamsburg, Virginia on the York River approximately 35 miles northwest of Norfolk. Commissioned on June 21, 1943, Cheatham Annex was utilized as an assembly and shipping point for materials being shipped overseas during World War II. Today, Cheatham Annex is a hub of activity from its diverse industrial complex to naval expeditionary training facilities and outdoor recreation sites for military personnel and their dependents. The Annex is home to rows of warehouses as storage for everything from ship propellers and shafts to small boats, diesel engines and jacking gears, including storage for artifacts for the Naval History and Heritage Command.
CASHMAN was contracted by the Navy to mechanically remove ~65,000 yd3 of silt material at the Pier CAD A at Cheatham Annex.
- Mechanical removal of ~65,000 yd3 of silt material utilizing the dredge Wood I at Pier CAD A.
- Sediments were excavated using a 14-yd3 cable-arm environmental “clamshell” style bucket.
- Material was loaded into six 3,000-yd3 hopper scows and transported via tugboat ~109 miles along the James and York River waterways to Shirley Plantation, located in Charles City County, Virginia.
- Material was unloaded from hopper scows utilizing an excavator-mounted DAMEN DOP hydraulic pump.
- Material was then transported through 5,000 feet of 12-inch HDPE pipe and discharged at a designated settling pond at the Shirley Plantation. Water from the settling pond was pumped through 5,000 feet of return pipeline and discharged to the waterbody.
- All work met or exceeded the project-specific schedule and environmental constraints.
Naval Facilities Engineering Command
$2.8 million
July 2010 - August 2010