Wellfleet Harbor is located on the east side of Cape Cod Bay in Wellfleet, about 12-miles south of Provincetown Harbor. It is an active centre for recreational boating, commercial fishing, and sport fishing charter boats.

The project included maintenance dredging of the 10-Foot Federal Channel and 10-Foot Anchorage to -10-Feet MLLW plus one foot of allowable overdepth by mechanical means using an environmental bucket. The material was loaded into dump scows and transported to and disposed of at the Cape Cod Bay Disposal Site.


  • Cashman removed 160,968 CY of silt and sandy silt from the 10-Foot Anchorage and Channel using the dredge Wood 1 equipped with a 15-CY environmental bucket.
  • The project also utilized two dumps scows including the Eddie Carroll and the TMC-140.
  • At low tide, the majority of the 10-Foot Anchorage was 0-Feet to 5-Feet deep. This required careful management of tides while loading scows so as not to ground out the equipment.
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USACE, New England
$3.7 Million
Oct. - Nov. 2020