Cashman was contracted by USACE, Jacksonville District to perform maintenance dredging along the length of the Tampa Bay Federal Navigation Channel with the goal of removing shoaled material.


  • Dredged along the length of the Tampa Bay Federal Navigation Channel encompassing Hillsborough Bay Cuts A, C & D with a minor project extension into East Bay.
  • Over 600,000 cubic yards (CY) of material was removed.
  • Dredged material was hydraulically pumped into DMMA Site 3-D; ~2,000 linear feet of floating and submerged pipeline was placed in line with the Kraken offloader to the shoreline.  
  • The offloader acted as a booster pump for the Atchafalaya, providing additional pumping power. It also transferred material from the Dale Pyatt’s scows via a customized excavator/platform and drag flow pump.
  • Work included turbidity monitoring, sea turtle trawl sweeping and relocation, endangered species observers, and operation and maintenance of DMMA Site 3-D at the direction of the Contracting Officer.
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USACE, Jacksonville District
$7.4 Million
Sept. 2016 - Jan. 2017