Cashman Dredging performed dredging work of the Lake Worth Inlet in West Palm Beach, FL. Prior to mobilizing for maintenance dredging of the channel, Cashman was requested by USACE Jacksonville District to complete emergency dredging of the channel using the Atchafalaya. During this time, the Atchafalaya was actively dredging the St. John’s River in Jacksonville, FL. The Atchafalaya temporarily suspended digging the St. John’s River and was mobilized to the Lake Worth Inlet in order to clear the channel to 33’ and dispose of the material in the Near-Shore Disposal Area just south of the inlet’s southern jetty.

On November 21, 2019, the Atchafalaya remobilized to the Lake Worth Inlet and continued dredging the channel down to 37’ and 39’. Material from this phase of the project was pumped and placed onto the beach just south of the inlet’s southern jetty.


  • Emergency dredging with Near-Shore Disposal using the Atchafalaya Trailing Suction hopper Dredge included 24,591 yd3
  • Over the course of 19 days, the Atchafalaya dredged and pumped 81,923 yd3 of material onto the beach, bringing the total material cleared from the channel to 106,514 yd3
  • Vessel traffic in Lake Worth Inlet is very busy, with many pleasure vessels, sportfishing vessels, cruise lines, and shipping vessels using the channel daily. Sea states in the area fluctuate daily causing diligent focus to be required in order to ensure safe digging, pumping, and survey operations to be completed. 
  • Turbidity testing was required each load throughout the project, and no exceedances of the water quality permit were observed.
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USACE Jacksonville District
$4 Million
Oct. - Dec. 2019