Cashman Dredging and Marine Contracting Co., LLC was subcontracted by The Dutra Group to perform all the substantive work due to their dredging equipment being needed on another USACE project. The Atchafalaya Trailing Suction Hopper Dredge dug a total of 441,563 yd3 of material from the St. John’s River in Jacksonville, FL, from 5 distinct areas of the river. 


  • Dredge zones were spread out over 9.3nm of the St. Johns River and included the Lower Terminal Channel, Cut 55, Cut 46-48, Cut 45, and Cut 42. Material dredged was pumped into the Bartram Island Disposal Site through the help of the Kraken Booster Barge. 
  • During the middle of dredging work, the Atchafalaya was requested by the USACE Jacksonville District to head to West Palm Beach, FL in order to perform emergency dredging of Lake Worth Inlet. After achieving emergency channel depths, the Atchafalaya returned to the St. John’s River in Jacksonville, FL to finish the remainder of work.
  • 441,563 yd3 of material dredged and deposited in Bartram Island Disposal Site over the course of 54 days of dredging.
  • Turbidity Testing occurred daily with no exceedances of permit limits.
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USACE Jacksonville District
$5 Million
Sept. - Nov. 2019