On behalf of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District, Cashman was contracted to conduct maintenance dredging of 38- and 40-foot projects (Cut-7 through Cut-45, Cut-55, Cut-G, and the Lower Terminal Channel) at various locations within Jacksonville harbor. This allows larger vessels to access the channel, reducing transportation costs, providing increased navigational safety, while avoiding or minimizing impacts to environmental resources. 


  • Maintenance dredging of 38- and 40-foot projects (Cut-7 through Cut-45, Cut-55, Cut-G, and the Lower Terminal Channel) within the Jacksonville harbor. 
  • Dredged approximately 585,000 yd3 using a hopper dredge, Atchafalaya; hydraulic offloader, Kraken; and a Drag Barge. 
  • Scope of Work included protecting endangered species and turbidity monitoring. 
  • Dredged spoils were disposed of at Bartram Island. 
  • Project was completed ahead of schedule and under budget, even with a significant overrun in dredge volume. 
  • USACE issued an exceptional rating for maintaining the schedule and project management and a very good rating for the quality of work. 
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USACE - Jacksonville District
June 2018 - September 2018