The 2022 Baltimore harbor dredging project included dredging approximately 1,550,000 cubic yards with the Dredge Dale Pyatt from both the Port of Baltimore Approach Channels and the Baltimore Inner harbor. Hydraulic placement of dredge spoils was conducted at Poplar Island (1,000,000 CY) and at Cox Creek (550,000 CY).  Dredging Depths ranged from 48’+1’ to 51’+1’. All dredged material was then offloaded at Poplar Island and Cox Creek utilizing the hydraulic off loader Kraken.


Project Prime Mover: Dredge Dale Pyatt, equipped with a 56 CY bucket.

Placement of dredge spoils was done with the Kraken, fitted with a Manitowoc 777, 18” DOP pump and 18” Hagler Booster.  18” Make-up and 10” Jet water were provided with onboard Godwin Pumps.  Pumping distance at Poplar Island ranged from 800’ to 7,000’.  Pumping distance at Cox Creek was 2,000’, per the project specifications.

Cashman was required to recirculate pond water from Cox Creek for Kraken Make-up and Jet Water. 

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USACE-Baltimore District
Feb. 2022 – July 2022