The water area of Woods Hole includes Great and Little Harbors in the eastern part, and Hadley Harbor in the western part. Woods Hole is also the approach to the town of Woods Hole on the northeastern shore of Great Harbor. This project consisted of improvement dredging of the Entrance Channel to Great Harbor, deepening the channel to -25.0 feet MLLW, along with Menauhant Beach renourishment using approved sand and silt materials. The improvement project required mechanical dredging and removal of 37,500 yd3 of cobbles, gravel, sand, and silt. Material was disposed at the Rhode Island South Disposal Site and at the Near-Shore Holding Area at Menauhant Beach. Materials placed at near-shore disposal areas were used to nourish Menauhant Beach.


  • CASHMAN conducted improvement dredging of the entrance channel to Great Harbor, deepening the channel to -25.0 feet MLLW.
  • CASHMAN used the A.J. Fournier to remove ~37,500 yd3 of cobbles, gravel, sand, and silt by a mechanical dredge to improve navigation.
  • The material was disposed of at the Rhode Island South Disposal Site and at the Near Shore Holding Area at Menauhant Beach.
  • Materials placed at the nearshore disposal area were re-handled and dredged by the Barnstable County Dredge and used to nourish Menauhant Beach.
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USACE, New England District
$1.7 million
November 2008 - January 2009